Headache Home Remedies

Many of us consider headache as a common problem. There are many reasons behind headache. But the pain caused by headache is unbearable. Many of us suffer from headaches all the time.

So such people cannot do their daily activities properly. In this article we will understand some of the home remedies that can be done to get better results from headaches.

Home Remedies for Headache

Drink plenty of water – Dehydration is often caused due to lack of water in the body, which leads to headaches. Drink a lot of water when the headache starts due to the decrease in the amount of water in the body. Drinking plenty of water can also help with headaches.

Clove- Clove is a great remedy for headache. After roasting some cloves on a pan, wrap it in a napkin while it is still hot. After that keep smelling hot cloves coming from this handkerchief. This definitely reduces the headache.

Acupressure- The thumb and forefinger of the hand are pressed on the muscle in the middle part of the first finger for one minute, pressure on the muscle relieves headache.

Lemon water – If the amount of acids in the body decreases, it can also cause headaches. So, if you get a headache, drink lemon water. It is always best to add a small amount of salt and baking soda while preparing lemon water.

Kalingad- Eating juicy fruits is a good remedy for headache. Watery fruits you can include cantaloupe, grapefruit and grapefruit. If Kalinga is considered in this, it naturally has abundant water reserves. Therefore, if the body water is low, then kalingada cools the body and helps to stabilize the water level.

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