If you suffer from migraine, then you know that the headache caused by a migraine is very painful. Migraine is a type of headache in which severe pain occurs intermittently on both or one side of the head. Migraines last from 2 hours to several days. Migraine headaches are more common than other headaches. Migraine is basically a neurological problem. The production of certain neurotransmitters in the body may also cause migraines. During migraine, the blood circulation in the brain increases due to which the person starts having severe headache.
What is migraine pain?
Migraine patients describe migraine pain as follows:
pulsating feeling in the head
It can also feel like a severe constant pain. The pain may start out mild, but become moderate to severe if left untreated.
Migraine pain most commonly affects the forehead. It usually occurs on one side of the head, but it can happen on both sides, or it can shift from one side to the other.
Most migraines last about 4 hours. If left untreated or treatment fails, migraines can last from 72 hours to a week.
symptoms of migraine
The throbbing migraine pain in the head mostly starts on one side of the head.
People who suffer from migraine headaches usually also experience inability to perform routine activities, eye pain, nausea and vomiting. (Read more – Home remedies for headache)
They may be hypersensitive to light, sound, and odor changes.
Unnecessary yawning throughout the day is also a symptom of migraine.
People suffering from migraine headaches experience auras. They feel a temporary loss of sensation or a feeling of pins and needles prickling.
Nausea, vomiting along with headache are also symptoms of migraine.
Changes in mood happen very rapidly during migraine. Some patients suddenly feel very depressed or become over-excited for no reason at all.
Before migraine pain occurs, some people have an increased craving for food.
Regular activities such as walking or climbing stairs can make migraine pain worse.
Feeling the need to pass urine frequently is also a symptom of migraine.
prevention of migraine
The following efforts may help in preventing migraine –
Try to know what triggers your migraines and avoid those things
stay hydrated – try to drink 9-12 cups of water per day
don’t skip meals
Get good sleep – Good sleep is important for overall health
quit smoking
Make stress reduction a priority
learn relaxation techniques
Exercise regularly – Exercise can not only help you reduce stress but can also help you lose weight. Experts believe that obesity is linked to migraine.