Every day we all face many difficulties in our life. Sometimes there are situations that we cannot handle even if we want to. So many times we have to face great tension while dealing with them.
Many of us have become so accustomed to experiencing certain types of stress that we cannot even feel them. Such stress is called eustress. If seen, this stress has a negative effect on your performance and ability to work.
In this article, I will give you information about what is stress / tension, symptoms of stress, harm due to excessive stress, ways to avoid stress and some simple stress management tips.
What is tension/stress?
It is normal to be stressed or stressed. It is felt when a situation becomes difficult to deal with. When there is tension, adrenaline starts running throughout our body. The heartbeat increases and the mental and physical consciousness increases greatly. We sweat, feel the sensation and at times weep all over the body.
How dangerous is stress?
It is not that our ancestors did not have stress in their life, but they could have easily overcome it by adopting a ‘do or die’ position. The amount and frequency of stress in our lives today is much higher. But the most difficult part is that the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol becomes more dangerous when we do not need them.
If stress lasts for a long time, it can damage our immune system and heart. Apart from this, our physical and mental ability to deal with external diseases is also affected.
This clearly means that stress becomes more dangerous when you have to go into a do or die situation every five minutes. Could there be an easier and healthier way to deal with this situation? How can we do this work? What if we could find out what is causing what we are feeling? So we can deal with difficulties more smartly.
Disadvantages of taking too much stress:
Our immune system and heart can be harmed.
The risk of serious diseases increases.
age decreases.
Sex life can be bad.
Why is it important to understand stress?
Stress can cause many serious mental problems. One out of every four people in India are affected by the problem of tension every year. This is the reason due to which many times we are not able to concentrate on work for a long time even while working.
If mental health problems are ignored for a long time, it can turn into a serious problem. Three-fourths of the patients receiving treatment for stress and depression in the country are women. But three quarters of people who commit suicide due to stress and depression are men. Since depression and stress are the major causes of suicide cases, it is easy to understand the importance of its treatment.
Apart from this, talking about it when there is tension is not a sign of any weakness. He needs courage.
Why does stress happen?
The following are some of the common causes of stress today. like –
Isolation and some other reasons like leaving home
breakup with partner
change job
leaving home for children
your health and mood
It is very common to have ups and downs in life for a while, but if it continues for a long time, it can spoil the rest of the things related to life. Anyway, tension never happens because you are weak but it is always because you are allowing tension to exist even after its presence and not resisting it.
What are the warning symptoms
If you are stressed so much that you do not even get a chance to recover, then it can be like an alarm bell for you. That is why it is very important to know what are the pre-stress symptoms, knowing that you can deal with stress in a short time.
Common symptoms that precede tension are as follows.
Eating more or less than usual.
Rapid mood swings.
Decreased self-esteem.
Feeling tense or restless all the time.
More or less sleep
Weak memory or forgetfulness.
Taking excessive alcohol or drugs.
Excessive tiredness or loss of energy.
Don’t panic, consult a doctor
Have you ever had a problem with cold, diarrhea or fever? You must have gone to the doctor for the treatment of these diseases. If yes, then why hesitation in going to the doctor in case of tension?
If you are really finding it difficult to overcome tension, then it is better to go to the doctor without delay. Psychiatrists really listen very patiently to the patient and they understand your problem better than others. By talking in front of them, they can not only treat you properly but can also show a new path to your life.
Problems like tension, depression are also as common as having cold or fever. If you can go to the doctor to treat them, then why not to treat the tension? Do not hesitate and talk to the doctor about this matter.
Problems like tension, depression are also as common as having cold or fever. If you can go to the doctor to treat them, then why not to treat the tension? Do not hesitate and talk to the doctor about this matter.