Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acidity

Acidity ЁЯУО

Acidity, which we call acid bile in Marathi, is a problem that happens to everyone at some time or another.

Irregular lifestyle is the main reason for this.

Before dealing with acidity, it is important to understand what acidity is.  Whether it is an illness or anything in life, just remember that in order to face it, you have to understand why it happened first, what is its origin.

What is acidity?

In order to digest the food we eat, a digestive juice is formed in our stomach.  It is acidic and needs to be digested, but in the right amount.

If this digestive juice is produced in large quantities or if it is produced prematurely, then acidity occurs.

It causes abdominal pain, heartburn, headache, acid reflux, vomiting, and dizziness.  Some people get itchy when they have bile problems which is also called bile raising in their dialect.

As mentioned earlier, bile is one of the major causes of acidosis due to irregular lifestyle such as excessive distance between two meals, irregular meal times, smoking, drinking, consuming spicy, oily or spicy foods, constant stress.

It is common for alcoholics to experience discomfort due to acidity throughout the day after drinking alcohol.  For them, the remedies mentioned in this article should always be part of their routine.

Right now our lives have become superfast.  If you have a habit of rushing out of the house in the morning with some tea, toast, etc., when you leave the office, or housewives often do not have the habit of having breakfast at work in the morning.

If this is the case then maybe you should read the article about how breakfast should be.

In this age of fast food, standing somewhere on the street and eating Panipuri, Dabeli, Vadapav has become an important part of our life.

But it can lead to infections such as amoebiasis and acidity.

In addition, some drugs also have to deal with acidity as side effects.  Often there is a fixed dose of antacid, along with other medications, when admitted to the hospitalтАж that is why.

If acidity is a common ailment then it becomes unbearable, due to the discomfort it causesтАж.

Even if you follow the rule of regular meals to get rid of acidity, have a good breakfast every morning and eat sattvic food at the right time, it will be possible to keep the acidity away.

It is possible to stay away from acidity by doing Kapalbhati Pranayama, Halasana, Ustrasana, Bhastrika Pranayama, Anulom-Vilom asanas regularly.

It is always wiser to take care of any illness than to start treatment.

1) Basil leaves

Due to the aerobic properties of basil leaves, acidity can be relieved instantly.  If you have heartburn or if you make it a habit to eat 4-5 basil leaves regularly every morning, it helps in maintaining the acid balance in the stomach.

It is always good to boil 3-4 basil leaves in hot water and drink it regularly.

2) Fennel

We can easily take care of ‘eating dill after meal’ or not !!  Dill is a must to improve digestion by balancing gastric acid !!

Boil 1 teaspoon of dill in hot water for 5 to 7 minutes and drink it. It is also useful for acidity.

3) Cinnamon

Cinnamon, used in spices, is a natural antacid and is useful for digestion.  Boil a small piece of cinnamon in hot water for 5 to 7 minutes and drink it to get relief from acidity.

4) Cold buttermilk

In Ayurveda, buttermilk made from curd is considered as a sattvic food.  It contains lactic acid which balances the uncontrolled acid in the stomach.

So if you take a glass of cold buttermilk every day after a meal, the problem of acidity can always be avoided.

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