Simple Way To Get Rid Of Stomach Pain – Home Remedies

Stomach Pain / Abdominal Pain

Problems like stomach ache, indigestion, acidity are always happening to us.  These problems are mainly caused by indigestion, the fact that the food we eat is not digested properly, or the fast food we eat outside.  If your diet is good, you will not have these problems.  We are going to look at some simple home remedies that will definitely get rid of your stomach ache problem and get rid of it.


Dill is a very simple and elixir for stomach ache.  Not many people know about this.  You can take a teaspoon of dill and drink half a glass of lukewarm water on it, you can do this half an hour after a meal or you can do this one hour before a meal.

This home remedy will not cause any side effects and will definitely stop your stomach ache as dill has properties that are beneficial for you to reduce your stomach ache.

Warm water

Often stomach ache can be caused by not cleaning the stomach, but it is important for you to clean your stomach properly at such times.  If your stomach is not cleansing properly in the morning, you need to drink half a glass of lukewarm water every morning after waking up to cleanse your stomach.  This will definitely clear your stomach and if the stomach is clean then you will definitely not feel any more stomach ache.

Friends, try this remedy, it will definitely help you to get rid of your stomach ache.


Drink a teaspoon of honey as soon as your stomach starts to hurt.  You will get immediate relief.

You can also use honey with water.  You put a teaspoon of honey in half a glass of water and mix honey in water and drink it.  After that, if you rest properly for half to half an hour, you will definitely see that your stomach ache is reduced and this elixir is very simple and useful.


If you suffer from frequent stomach aches, you can make jaggery tablets.  Take a teaspoon of jaggery and make small tablets of it. Take one pill half an hour before going to bed at night which will help you to reduce the recurrence of frequent abdominal pain.

One month will definitely help you to get rid of this stomach ache forever.  Remember to use these pills only using jaggery so that you can make these jaggery pills without adding anything else in it and you can stop taking these pills after your frequent stomach ache stops.

Ginger juice

Mixing ginger juice and honey and drinking it can also give you immediate relief from stomach ache.  Mix one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of ginger juice and take it when you have stomach ache and lie down for five to ten minutes to relax, it will definitely help you to reduce your stomach ache.

If your abdominal pain is getting worse, you should consult a doctor.

You can cure your stomach ache by doing any one of the above remedies.

Cumin water is very beneficial if you have frequent stomach ache and this cumin water is very important in Ayurveda. Friends, if your stomach ache is happening to you every month or every week, if you eat cumin after meal, your stomach ache will stop.

If you have persistent abdominal pain, take this remedy to stop the problem in the next five minutes. You need to soak half a teaspoon of cumin seeds in half a glass of water and drinking it half an hour later will definitely help you to get rid of your stomach ache.

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